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Proposal Filtering
James Gold avatar
Written by James Gold
Updated over a week ago


  • How to filter Proposals on the Index page

There are multiple ways to filter Proposals on the Index page

Alphabetical Filter

  • Hover over the field you want to filter

  • Click with your mouse once you see the blue outline

    • With the first click an arrow will point up to signify A-Z

    • Second click an arrow down signifying Z-A

    • Third click will reset back to default

Click the column filter icon for the below filters:

Column Pin

  • Select pin column to pin a specific column to the left or right

Column filter

  • Certain columns will be able to filter per item

    • Select the tick box of the items to remain on the filter and untick those to remove

Index filter

  • Configure the index with the columns you want to include and remove

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