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Creating a Work package
James Gold avatar
Written by James Gold
Updated over a week ago


  • How to Create a Main and Branch Work Package

Select 'Create Work Package'

  • This will create a parent/main WP with the reference 1.0

  • Enter the fields for the work package:

  • Title : The WP title

  • Prepared by : The user that is in charge of this specific WP

  • Scope : WP Scope details

  • Input : WP Input details

  • Internal (Feature Flag) : Marks the WP as Internal and will not appear on proposal document blocks

  • S-Curve Select (Pro Feature) : Will set the S-curve for when baseline and forecasting on the project.

  • Key Milestone (Feature Flag) : Mark the WP as a key milestone

  • Start/End date : The Planned schedule for the WP (If you add child/branch WPs you don't need to add the date for the main WP)

  • Deliverables : Deliverables for this specific WP

Branch Work Package Creation

  • Note that if you have added resources to a Work package you can no longer create a branch

  • Select 3 dots of the WP you want to create a branch for

  • Select Add Work Package - the details will change to blank

  • Enter the Branch Work package details then create

After a Branch has been created

  • The Start and End date for the Main WP will now be determined by the branch work packages

  • You can create as many branch WPs as needed

WP Drag and Drop

  • You are able to readjust the WP order using the drag and drop function

  • Select the 4by4 dot grid then drag

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