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Project Resources and Workhour Builder
James Gold avatar
Written by James Gold
Updated over a week ago


  • How to add a Team Resource to a Proposal Work Package using Project Resources and Workhour Builder

  • Pro feature - Please inquire with Proteus team to activate

Project Resources

  1. Select Project Resources next to the WBS tab

  2. Select Add Project Resource

  3. You can now select Office and DDG for the resource

    1. This will add the cost rate taken from the average cost rate in the admin console

  4. Afterwards select the DDG for the resource sell rate

    1. This will be the sell rate taken from the contract

    2. You will also see the margin % increase from the cost

  5. You can delete a resource via the x button, if the resource has hours it cannot be deleted

Workhour Builder

After adding Project Resources

  1. Select the Workhour builder tab

  2. Once on the Workhour builder click on the cell in the matrix you want to add hours to and enter the hours

  3. Hover over the resource name to receive DDG details

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