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Managing a Project

How to create a project, initial setup and assigning resources and tracking progress

James Gold avatar
Written by James Gold
Updated over a week ago

Create / Convert to Active Project

Select ‘Proposal’ via the blue menu bar on the left of the screen

This can only be done if all approvals have been received. How to manage proposal approvers can be found in this article.

Select the required Proposal record and change status to Won in the summary section.

A Project is now created, with the same proposal sequential number, the budget is auto populated in Project Dashboard tab and full WBS breakdown auto populated in Work Breakdown Tab. The Proposal Index status will be updated to won and Project Index will have a new entry with active status.

Navigating to Projects

Select Projects

Select a Project

Add incoming Purchase Order (PO)

Navigate to Finance > Incoming PO section

Invoices cannot be raised unless Incoming PO is created on the project.

Select ‘Create Incoming Purchase Order’ and complete details including PO Number, Value and Start and End Date. Select 'Create'.

Add Payment Schedule

Navigate to Finance > Payment Schedule

If Milestones pulled from proposal, edit to allocated ‘planned date’.

Define the ‘Invoice forecast’ for the duration of the project.


  • The months displayed are auto populated from the duration of the project taken from Work breakdown details tab - and can be edited there.

  • The ‘milestone’ column in invoice forecast will auto populate.

Assigning Resources to Work Packages

Within a Project, navigate to Resources from white horizontal submenu

Select the appropriate section Team/Equipment/Software Select the appropriate Work Package and then assign resources from the available dropdown

For team resources assign team member or members and click ‘Update’

For Equipment and Software Resources add assets available from the Contract Rate Table (linked to the contract)


  • Users personal timesheet will now have access to book time and comments against the Project for the specific Work Package using the actual rate available on their profile

  • Assets can now be allocated to the Projects through the Tracking

Reviewing Budget Progress

Within a Project, navigate to ‘Work Breakdown’ from white horizontal submenu

From within Work Breakdown select ‘Work Package’ and navigate to the Work Package you want to review progress

On the selected Work Package navigate to the ‘Budget’ tab on the right

The graph below the table is dynamic and will be adjusted against cost entries over time.

View for every Cost Category a real-time snapshot of the project with comparison of Budget, Actual and balance both at cost and price level.

Reviewing Project Progress

On the selected Work Package navigate to the ‘Progress’ tab on the right

Select ‘+’ button on the Progress Speedometer

Use the other 3 speedometers to assess planned progress in terms of % complete, budget and timeline to compare actual progress recorded.

The data range on the graph is dynamic and will be adjusted against date entries.

Record actual percentage Progress and select date you wish to record this progress on.

Review Project Deliverables

On the selected Work Package go to the ‘Deliverables’ tab on the right

Report on Project Progress on Deliverables for each Work Package by changing the Percentage Complete toggle


  • Any Deliverables marked as 100% complete the status will automatically be changed to Status ‘Done’

  • The status of Deliverables not marked as 100% complete will be tracked against Due Date and automatically Status changed to ’On Time’ or ‘Late’

Update Project Plan

On the selected Work Package go to the ‘Plan Data’ tab on the right

Adjust the Project Plan based on weekly % completion for the duration of the Project based on 3 different metrics being Early / Planned / Late Project Progress

Managing Variations

Within a Project, navigate to ‘Work Breakdown’ from white horizontal submenu

Select ‘Variations’ tab, nested under Work Breakdown tab

Click Create Variation, Input Variation name and click ‘Create’

Navigate to the 3-dots on the right of the Work Package and select “Create Revision”

Complete changes in scope, input, deliverables and increase / reduce cost items (units / amount and markup) in the Work Package (as applicable). and update start and end date if changed. Select Update and repeat for all Work Packages (as applicable) or create new Work Packages that are part of this variation.

A dot will be displayed for each Work Package that is part of a variation and through the toggle Show All and Variation Applied you can view all or only those Work Package applicable to this variation.

View the changes being made to the budget.

Update the status to Approved to make the change

How to review Project Controls

Within a Project, navigate to ‘Project Controls’ from white horizontal submenu

Select the report date against which you would like to review Project Progress

For a more detailed overview of the project progress ITD, select ‘Data’

Select the report date against which you would like to review Project Data


  • For Fixed Price projects only Cost Forecast will be visible. For Reimbursable projects also Revenue and Margin Forecast are available

  • Toggle from All to Physical Progress, Tracked Cost and Cost Forecast to filter your view

  • Export to a spreadsheet for further reporting outside Proteus

How to manage Project Files

Files from another sources related to the Project can be uploaded and all files for the Project can be accessed via Proteus. New Folders can also be created as required

Create a file from either a blank document or pre populated template for project reporting or variations.

Select the document blocks to add

How to share access to a Project

Users with Role ‘Manager’ or ‘User’ need to be invited to proposal they did not create.

Click ‘Share’ icon (arrow) in the action bar in the summary section on the left of the screen

Select a user to invite

User will get an automated email notification about access granted.

Enter details and save

How to use the self-help check for MS365

Click ‘MS365’ icon (Microsoft) in the action bar in the summary section on the left of the screen Input details


  • If the user is within the MS365 group and has access to this proposal's Sharepoint site it will say ‘member of site’ with a green tick

  • If the user is within the MS365 group but doesn’t have access to this proposal’s Sharepoint site it will say ‘grant access’ in a blue box.

Search the correct MS365 Email to connect

Select Grant Access

If the Proteus record is not connected to a Sharepoint site, retry to establish a connection or manually add the Sharepoint site URL

How to add a note to a Project

From within a Project, click the ‘Note’ icon (post-it) in the action bar in the summary section on the left of the screen

Select ‘add new note’

Click Save or Delete

Select to Edit or Delete

A red dot will notify you of a new note

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