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Managing an Invoice

During your project execution create invoices and manage these with status and record as paid

James Gold avatar
Written by James Gold
Updated over a week ago

Creating a draft Invoice for Reimbursable Project

Navigate to Project/Global Invoices Index

Select ‘+Create Invoice’ in Project/Global Finance>Invoices Index

Select Office, Project and PO Number. ‘Project’ is auto populated if creating via Project Invoices index

Select costs to be recognised to the Invoice (Resources, Costs, Expenses) and/or add a payment milestone or line item for bottom section. Only Payment Milestones and line item(s) in the bottom section will add a value to the invoice.

Select office address and Select ‘Save Invoice’


  • Invoice is saved in Project & Global index as ‘draft’ status.

  • Invoices can be filtered by status or through advanced search selected

Creating a draft Invoice for Fixed Fee Project

Navigate to Project/Global Invoices Index

Select ‘+Create Invoice’ in Project/Global Finance>Invoices Index

Select Office, Project and PO Number. ‘Project’ is auto populated if creating via Project Invoices index

Select Costs to be added to the Invoice (Resources, Costs, Expenses)

Select the payment milestone to cover the invoice value

Select office address and Select ‘Save Invoice’


  • Invoice is saved in Project & Global index as ‘draft’ status.

  • Invoices can be filtered by status or through advanced search selected.

How to submit Invoice

Select the 3 dots on right side of screen, against the applicable Draft Invoice and select 'View"

Before submitting the invoice review the details on the invoice and edit if required

Send Invoice from Proteus if recipient email address is available in Proteus and invoice submission via email is allowed as per client instructions

Once send via Proteus, the status will automatically be marked as sent

Users can also download the invoice from Proteus and submit to the client in another way and mark invoice as sent manually.

How to mark as fully/partially Paid

Select the invoice you want to mark as paid

Select ‘Mark paid’. If not paid in full, change the amount received before proceeding.


  • ‘Date’ auto populates as today but can be amended

  • Status in Project & Global Outgoing PO index, now updated to ‘Fully Received’ or ‘Partially Received’ until full amount received

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