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Managing Offices

Add, Create or Clone an Office and complete or update your office Basic Information and Invoice Settings

James Gold avatar
Written by James Gold
Updated over a week ago

Original Office details were added when your account was created. Details can be edited in both General or Global Offices, any changes will be saved in both.

Office General Settings

Select the office you would like to complete or update.

Under General, complete or update Basic Information relevant to each office. Click Save.

Office Invoice Settings

Then select Invoice Settings and complete or update these settings. Click Save.

How to add Your Office

Locate to Offices then Click Add New from top right of the Office Index, complete all Office Details and Click Save.

Office Key allows you to identify the Office in References numbering system

Office address will pull to all templates; proposals, reports, outgoing POs, invoices etc

VAT default rate applied at invoicing, tho can be overwritten at invoice stage

If you already have an Office added you are able to clone that Office and then make adjustments rather than making one from scratch.

How to clone Office

Click Clone from the top right of the Office Index, complete new office details and Click Save or Select the required Office from the Office Index and click the 3 dots on right side of screen and select Clone

You can also Delete or Deactivate an Office. You can only Delete an office if there are no records associated with it and it will be permanently deleted. Deactivating an office will temporarily remove the office. It can be reactivated by going to the deactivated tab and selecting the office you wish to reactivate.

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