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Project Dashboard
James Gold avatar
Written by James Gold
Updated over a week ago


  • How to review the Project Dashboard

Dashboard Widgets

  • Project Progress: This is the total physical/actual progress (in %) of the project. It can be updated manually for each WP within the ‘Work Breakdown’ > Progress tab.

  • Budget Progress: This is the actual vs planned cost for the project.

  • Budget: This is the total planned price/revenue of the project. It will be updated along with approved variations.

  • Project Status: This is the current status of the project (Actual Progress) vs the planned status (Planned Progress).

  • Budget Chart: The budget graph changes depending on the project Billing Type.

    For Reimbursable billing type, the graph will be tracking price/revenue. For Fixed price billing type, the graph will be tracking cost.

  • Forecast: This shows the invoice forecast across the project timeline. To update the planned line for this graph, select Finance > Payment Schedule then complete the invoice amounts for each month or add payment milestones.

  • Project Progress Chart: This displays the planned, actual and forecast progress (%).

  • Hours: These are the tracked hours of the project, divided by status.

  • Margin: This shows the estimated/planned margin against the current/actual margin.

  • Deliverables: This is a summary of all deliverables and their current progress. Deliverables are updated manually and can be done so by moving the slider for % completion within the ‘Work Breakdown’ > Deliverables tab.

Project Details

  • Select the Blue pen icon to edit the details

  • Most details should not be changed during the project

  • Enter/Change the Project title and/or description

  • Change the Project Manager if required

  • Enter Keywords so that the Project can be better identified when searching on the index page

  • Change the start date to change the start date of the project

    • Changing the start date will change all WP dates by the same amount

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